Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Mum and Dad's visit

My parents came over from the Philippines to witness the birth of my second child. Everyone were busy including Mum who helped me with the household chores and Dad in cooking the food that I have missed back in the Philippines. When Dad finished cooking all I could think of is to try the food he cooked. He doesn't use a lot of ingredients but boy it is so delicious... he sure is one amazing cook! I wasn't able to take photo of all the food he cooked because I was in a hurry to eat them hehehe... Fortunately, I was able to stop myself from dishing up and instead got my camera so I can keep some souveniers.

This is called "Sarciadong Manok" cooked with chicken, green peas, carrots, potato etc...

Above is a fish dish called " Eskabetche ".

The dish above is "Adobong Manok, Bistek style". It is cooked in vinegar, pepper, bay leaf, onion and a little bit of soy sauce.

A few hours before Mum and Dad left to catch their flight going back to the Philippines, my Dad promised to cook something for me. He got up early morning so he can cook me a fried rice with some burger patty. It was heaven! I miss his cooking and hopefully Mum and Dad can come back soon because I miss them both.

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